日度归档:19 12 月, 2016

HTTPS Tester

这是 WordPress 官方出的一个调试服务器 HTTPS 支持情况的插件。如今 HTTPS 愈来愈普及,但很多时候服务器出于兼容问题或者是配置问题经常有各种出错,利用这个插件可以大概诊断问题所在。


 * Plugin Name: HTTPS Tester
 * Version: 1.1
 * Description: Used to determine if there's anything wrong with the communication to 
                WordPress.org over HTTPS. See Dashboard -> HTTPS Tester (If using 
                multisite, visit Updates -> HTTPS Tester in the network admin.)
 * Plugin URI: http://wordpress.org/
 * Author: the WordPress team
 * Author URI: http://wordpress.org/
 * Version: 1.1
 * Network: true
